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Shoreline Flooring Supplies


Phone (305) 836-4474
Fax (305) 836-4475 - Fax
Address 755 NW 79 St,
Miami, FL 33150 United States


Shoreline Flooring Supplies is one of the oldest, largest and most complete distributor of flooring supplies in the state of Florida. Founded in 1970, today Shoreline continues to provide quality service at competitive prices.
Recognized by specialty stores, contractors and installers as the one stop that fulfills their installation supply needs.

We proudly distribute products from the leading manufacturers in the industry. Whether you are installing carpet, wood, ceramic, laminate, VCT or rubber floors; we have the products you need to complete your project. From installation tools, floor preparation materials, adhesives for every purpose, underlayment membranes, self-leveling cements, rubber and vinyl base moldings, metal transitions, stair treads and rubber tile, sound control, crack suppression, waterproofing products, ceramic products and more.

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